Tap the Boulevard is an SMU Football Blog, A Beer Blog, A Baseball Blog, A Music Blog, basically a blog about everything that makes life worth living. So sit back, relax, crack a cold one and enjoy our incoherent ramblings and gratuitous movie quotes.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Drink, Watch, Listen

Drink This: Sam Adams Octoberfest

Watch This: SMU: The Climb

Listen to This: Run This Town(SMU remix) - J-Makk

1 comment:

  1. Hey we have comments now.

    For those unfamiliar, Thad's original film Article 19 (the teaser trailer for which we posted last November) has been reworked for the ESPN 30 for 30 film series. It's new title is "Pony Excess" and it will be airing this November.

